Registration form 2025

For students in civil engineering at (technical) universities worldwide, graduated between 1st January 2024 and 31rd December 2024.

Fill in this form completely, including the file(s) of your thesis-report, a one-page English summary of the thesis and possibly your video presentation of the thesis (with a maximum playtime of 6 minutes) and send it in before 28 March 2025. Fields with * are required.

A recommended content and approximative duration of the video presentation: background and motivation of the topic (1min), methodology and main results of your research (3 mins), new knowledge gained (1min), conclusions and a possible impact of your findings (1min).

MSc thesis, summary and registration form are mandatory for participation and required for proper jury’s judgements of the projects. For a description of the jury’s criteria, see the homepage of this website, under ‘assessment criteria’.

With your submission, you grant permission to the organisations (TU Delft and Bouwen met Staal) to publish your thesis and summary (in read only PDF-format) together with a recent portrait photo, on the website of the DOSS Award. References to the information on the DOSS Award-website will be incorporated in media of TU Delft and Bouwen met Staal for further communication concerning the prize, like press releases and invitations for the final public ceremony.

  • You can also mail the thesis-report and one-page summary (as PDF or Word) and your possible, accompanying video (preferably as a mp4-file) with mention of the thesis-name to, before 28 March 2025. In case of large files, please send via WeTransfer.
  • For further information: Bouwen met Staal, Louis Braillelaan 80, NL-2719 EK Zoetermeer, tel. +31 (0) 88 353 12 12, e-mail

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