DOSS stands for the Dutch Open Student STEEL (DOSS) Award: an annual international prize, initiated by the Technical University Delft and the Dutch Steel Construction Institute Bouwen met Staal and supported by various acknowledged organisations, educational institutions, and design-, build and steel production companies worldwide.


DOSS stands for the Dutch Open Student STEEL (DOSS) Award: the annual international prize, initiated by the Technical University Delft and the Dutch Steel Construction Institute Bouwen met Staal and supported by various acknowledged organisations, educational institutions, and design-, build and steel production companies worldwide.

The award works out as an epochal appreciation and recognition of MSC students in civil engineering at (technical) universities from all the world, who have incorporated in a distinctive and representative way the features, possibilities, and benefits of steel for structural application in their graduation projects. Meanwhile the award also challenges and encourages next generations of graduation students to do so in the future. Thus, making their contribution to the ongoing upgrading of the usage of steel for civil structures in worldwide practice; making it (even)more aesthetic, reliable, economic, smart, long lived, and green.
That’s in it for us all.


The DOSS Award might just be your ‘claim to fame’ in the world of civil engineering. Just by taking part with your thesis, you’ll be winning the full attention of a broad collective of respected expert professionals, gathered in the international DOSS Award jury.

When receiving a nomination for the prize, you can present and discuss your project during a public online GRAND DOSS FINAL in April, attended by all those that matter within the international steel building industry. At this event the winner(s) will be announced.

First prize winner(s) will be rewarded with 2.500 Euro, second prize winners with (of course) half of it: 1.250 Euro.

Winners 2024

First jury winner: Adriano Silva de Carvalho
First jury winner: Adriano Silva de Carvalho
State University of Maringá
Department of Civil Engineering
Assessment of the lateral-torsional stability of steel I-beams with sequential sinusoidal web openings
Second jury winner and audience winner: Stefan Kimpeler
Second jury winner and audience winner: Stefan Kimpeler
RWTH Aachen
Institute of Steel Construction
Data-based asset management of a T-beam bridge with orthotropic deck plate exemplified by the motorway bridge at the Dortmund-Unna motorway intersection


Participation in the DOSS Award is possible for graduation projects that incorporate a key role for steel. The project can be in the field of structural design, engineering as well as research and (product)development or combinations.

The jury measures all projects on the issues:
objectives and ambitions • originality and aesthetics • creativity and ingenuity • thoroughness • context • relevance for civil engineering knowledge and practice • (smart) application and performance. The jury pays special notice to projects that trigger the innovative and sustainable application of steel in civil structures.


Yoo Sang Choo (Adjunct Professor in Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering at National University Singapore, Singapore) • Alan Dunsmore (Chief Executive Officer of Severfield plc, United Kingdom) • Markus Feldmann (Professor Steel Structures and Head of Department Institut für Stahlbau, RWTH Aachen, Germany) • Leroy Gardener (Professor of Structural Engineering at Imperial College, London, United Kingdom) • Bernhard Hauke (Editorial Director of the Ernst & Sohn publishing house, Berlin, Germany) • Florentia Kavoura (Assistant Professor of Steel and Composite Structures, TU Delft, Department of Civil Engineering and Geosciences) • Ulrike Kuhlmann (Professor at Institut für Konstruktion und Entwurf, Universität Stuttgart) • Raffaele Landolfo (Full Professor in Structural Engineering and Head of the Department of Structures for Engineering at University of Naples “Federico II”, Italy) • Frank Maatje (Managing Director Dutch Steel Construction Institute 'Bouwen met Staal', Zoetermeer, Netherlands) • Gang Shi (Professor Steel Structures at Tsinghua University, Beijing, China) • Luís Simões da Silva (Professor of Structural Mechanics, University of Coimbra, Portugal) • Andreas Taras (Full Professor of Steel Construction and Composite Structures at ETH Zurich, Switzerland) • Oliver Vassart (Chief Executive Officer Steligence ArcelorMittal, Liège, Belgium) • Milan Veljkovic (Professor of Steel and Composite Structures, Delft University of Technology, Netherlands) • Brian Uy (Professor of Structural Engineering and Head of the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Sydney, Australia) • Peter Zeman (director of Zeco and chairman of FMTI Bildungsausschuss, Vienna, Austria)

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DOSS Award 2024: and the winners are...
At a well-attended online ceremony, Monday 22nd April 2024, the winners of the DOSS Award 2024 have been proclaimed. Out of 22 submissions for this year’s edition of the international prize for graduation work of master students in civil engineering at technical universities, the expert jury appointed: Adriano Silva de Carvalho (State University of Maringá, […]
DOSS Award 2024: the finals
Next Monday 22nd April the DOSS Award 2024-competition will come to a festive public close at an online ceremony, organized by the initiators Delft University of Technology (TU Delft) and the Dutch Steel Construction Institute (Bouwen met Staal). At the event the winner(s) will be proclaimed of this years’ prize for graduation-projects by master students […]
DOSS Award 2024
19 March 2024
DOSS Award 2024
The deadline for submissions to the DOSS Award 2024 has been moved to 28 March 2024. Until then, master students in civil engineering at (technical) universities worldwide can send in their projects with which they have graduated between 1 January 2023 and 31 December 2023. After closure of registration, a professional jury will study and […]

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